- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
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- Rhode Island
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- Virginia
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- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Create Wildlife Corridors
Urbanization interrupts what used to be large areas of wildlife habitat leaving smaller unconnected areas that limit food, shelter, and reproductive success for terrestrial wildlife species.
Protect the Ocean
Plastic pollution, which carries toxins that harm people too, is killing California’s ocean wildlife including sea turtles, whales, seabirds and fish, and destroying once pristine coastal environments.
Protect Farm Workers
More than half the 400,000 farm workers in California are undocumented making them even more vulnerable to harsh conditions such as dangerous heat and employer retaliation for reporting broken laws.
Reconsider Water Rights
Colorado’s 19th century water right laws cause problems compounded by the shift in water use and needs, plus the climate crisis which contributes to too much or too little precipitation.
Fight Against PFAS
Delaware currently has five water systems with detections above the new PFAS limits, impacting over a 25% of the people in the state, 100,000 of them in the Wilmington Area alone.
Restore the Connecticut River
The Connecticut River still suffers from habitat loss, water pollution, disconnection and undersized road stream crossings challenging fish and other wildlife.
Death Penalty
Georgia is among the US states that still allows the death penalty which is banned in every other western industrialized country.
Advance LGBTQ+ Rights
Florida is among the top 15 American states with polices that actively discriminate against LGBTQ+ people including Don’t Say Gay.
Fight for Prison Reform
Mass incarceration of people of color, prison conditions, polluted water, an increase in the use of isolation are just some of the reason for prison reform including in Connecticut.
Protect Sea Turtles
Oceanfront development, plastic pollution, and habitat loss are devastating to sea turtles in Georgia including the highly endangered Kemp’s Ridley.
Save the Manatees
West Indian manatees need protection from habitat and food loss, boat collisions, water temperature rise, pollution, and litter entanglements including fishing line.
Save the Horseshoe Crab
The ultimate survival of the ancient horseshoe crab depends upon preservation of its spawning habitat including on Delaware’s beaches.
Support Restorative Justice for Youth
Youth are too often taken into custody in Delaware when restorative justice programs such as School Offence Diversion can help them instead.
Put Moose Back on the Map
Once abundant in Connecticut’s forests, just 100 moose currently live in Connecticut who are under threat from habitat loss and the climate crisis.
Fight for Prison Reform
Mass incarceration of people of color, prison conditions, polluted water, an increase in the use of isolation are just some of the reasons for prison reform including in Georgia.
Refuse Child Labor
Florida is set to roll back child labor protections that prevent teenagers from working unlimited hours even on school nights.
Death Penalty
Florida is among the US states that still allows the death penalty which is banned in every other western industrialized country.
Support the Plastics Ban
Plastic pollution, which carries toxins that harm people too, is killing Delaware’s ocean wildlife including sea turtles, whales, seabirds and fish, and destroying once pristine coastal environments.
Repatriate Remains
Federal law requires the repatriation of human remains yet at least five major institutions in Connecticut including Yale have failed to do it.
Advance Good Gun Control
Georgia has some of the weakest gun laws in the country and a Shoot First law that allows a person to kill another in a public area, even when they can safely walk away from the danger.