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Fight Against PFAS
Delaware currently has five water systems with detections above the new PFAS limits, impacting over a 25% of the people in the state, 100,000 of them in the Wilmington Area alone.
Save the Horseshoe Crab
The ultimate survival of the ancient horseshoe crab depends upon preservation of its spawning habitat including on Delaware’s beaches.
Support Restorative Justice for Youth
Youth are too often taken into custody in Delaware when restorative justice programs such as School Offence Diversion can help them instead.
Support the Plastics Ban
Plastic pollution, which carries toxins that harm people too, is killing Delaware’s ocean wildlife including sea turtles, whales, seabirds and fish, and destroying once pristine coastal environments.
Fight Against Racial Discrimination
Racism, xenophobia, and related discrimination exist in all society and harms the lives of this who endure it and society as a whole.