Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Protect the Predators

Beavers, bobcats, coyote, gray foxes and red, mink, muskrats and otters are among the animals that can be hunted or trapped for their fur in South Carolina despite a national need for predators for a healthy ecosystem.

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Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Preserve the Edisto River

The Edisto River is the longest free flowing black water river in the US and provides habitat for Atlantic sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon among more than 200 other fish species.

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Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Support Prison Reform

South Carolina has an incarceration rate of 678 per 100,000 people its prisons, jails, immigration detention, and juvenile justice facilities, and locks up a higher percentage of its people than any democratic country on earth.

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Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Stop the Death Penalty

South Carolina is among the US states that still allows the death penalty, which is banned in every other western industrialized country.

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