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- North Dakota
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- South Carolina
- South Dakota
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- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Support LGBTQ+ Rights
Oil and gas development destroyed thousands of acres of wildlands in North Dakota making the preservation of the Badlands and its Great Plains landscape all the more essential.
Protect the Badlands
Oil and gas development destroyed thousands of acres of wildlands in North Dakota making the preservation of the Badlands and its Great Plains landscape all the more essential.
Support Pollution Monitoring
Passage of a law failed that would have allowed the Fort Berthold Reservation to monitor the impacts of oil and gas development on their air and water
Restore Reproductive Rights
Since the overturn of Roe V. Wade, abortion in North Dakota is completely banned with very limited exceptions.
Promote Sensible Gun Control
North Dakota lacks all of the foundational gun violence prevention laws and has only a few of the 50 key policies in place.