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- Oklahoma
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- Wyoming
Protect the Southern High Plaines
Oklahoma’s Southern High Plains grasslands and the many species such as pronghorn, bighorn sheep and the black footed ferret lies need protection from development, extraction, and the climate crisis.
Protect Trans Children
Advocates for LGBTQ+ rights expressed outrage following an announcement that no criminal charges will be filed against the Oklahoma teens involved in a high school bathroom fight with Nex Benedict that resulted in their suicide.
Support LGBTQ+ Rights
Oklahoma fails to protect the most basic rights for LGBTQ+ people and is among the top 15 American states that actively acts against them.
End the Death Penalty
Oklahoma is among the US states that still allows the death penalty, which is banned in every other western industrialized country, and recently including by nitrogen hypoxia and firing squad.
Support Good Gun Control
Oklahoma has some of the highest gun death rates, gun suicide rates, and household firearm ownership rates in the country, and doesn’t require permitting for the concealed carry of firearms.