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Reward Good Gun Control
With some of the strongest gun laws in the country, Hawaii has one of the lowest rates of gun ownership and death from guns, and holds gun industry members accountable when their actions result in harm.
Leave Rays Alone
Mobuild rays are being caught for the highly disputed Asian homeopathic medication market, and are also dumped as bycatch.
Restrain Development and Tourism
With so much of the islands already overrun by the tourism, Hawaii needs protections to control development and the impacts from the travel industry.
Respect Hawaiian Cultural Heritage
For too long Hawaiian culture and traditions have been hijacked, misappropriated, and treated with disrespect.
Reduce Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution, which carries toxins that harm people too, is killing Hawaii’s ocean wildlife including sea turtles, whales, seabirds and fish and destroying once pristine coastal environments.