Cause Gary Ricke Cause Gary Ricke

Promote Prison Reform in Alaska

Mass incarceration of people of color, prison conditions, an increase in the use of isolation are just some of the reasons for prison reform including in Alaska where a record 18 people died in their state prisons last year.

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Cause Gary Ricke Cause Gary Ricke

Stop Child Labor

In a national trend to reduce protections for children, Minnesota wants to allow 16 and 17 years old to work on construction sites.

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Cause Gary Ricke Cause Gary Ricke

Reintroduce Wolves

Restoring timber wolves to the Western slope would provide immensely positive ecological, economic, and social opportunities for Coloradans, the overall ecosystem, and the wolves themselves.

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Cause Gary Ricke Cause Gary Ricke

Protect Librarians

As book banning proliferates, librarians in Arkansas have been at risk of persecution for giving books to minors if the state deems them harmful.

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