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- Wyoming
Reintroduce Wolves
Restoring timber wolves to the Western slope would provide immensely positive ecological, economic, and social opportunities for Coloradans, the overall ecosystem, and the wolves themselves.
Manage Mining Better
Barely managed runoff from tens of thousands active and abandoned mines, containing high levels of heavy metals, is a terrible source of drinking and surface water pollution.
Rethink Fire Suppression
Decades of fire suppression is causing blazes to burn hotter and under more hostile conditions, destroying once fire resistant forests and is a condition made worse by the climate crisis.
Fight for the Unhoused
Chronic homelessness increased by 130% in recent years in Colorado and the high cost of living in many cities makes it worse.
Reconsider Water Rights
Colorado’s 19th century water right laws cause problems compounded by the shift in water use and needs, plus the climate crisis which contributes to too much or too little precipitation.